Weekly Boarding Schools in Odisha
All parents dream a common dream – a perfect and updated education for their children. But they don’t wish to make their children book worms but all rounder and perfect citizens in the coming age. They want to make their children human beings of Zest, Principle, Rich in experience of learning and living. And all these things are possible with a disciplined and highly structured Weekly Boarding Schools. Such schools not only teach bookish knowledge but the practical knowledge of Society, Community and the Nation.
Education in Odisha
Odisha is one of the 29 states of India, located in the eastern coast. It is surrounded by the states of West Bengal, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana. It is the 9th largest state by area, and the 11th largest by population. It is also the 3rd most populous state of India in terms of tribal population. Odisha is the official and most widely spoken language.
Although 10 years of primary education is mandatory in Odisha, the literacy rate is 73.5% In Odisha, as elsewhere in India, children are enrolled in school at the age of five.
In Odisha , A wide range of Weekly Boarding Schools are available these days that vary from a handful of boarders in day schools to occasional day pupil boarding schools. There are large numbers of such schools that offer weekly boarding as flexi boarding or as a half-way house, which enable the students to stay at school on a occasional basis, so that it fits with their parent’s diaries and their activities.
There are number of Weekly Boarding Schools in Odisha and many of them are quite famous and well known for their facilities and education. Some are affiliated to CBSE or ICSE or regional Board. But some of you may be having problems in choosing which one to get admission into. So to avoid the confusion and select the most appropriate one out of all the Weekly Boarding Schools, Boardingedu have made this list. These are the top Weekly Boarding Schools in Odisha .
For your convenience, Boardingedu is given here complete list of Weekly Boarding Schools in Odisha that will counsel you in choosing the most excellent Weekly Boarding Schools for your child. you can find complete list of Weekly Boarding Schools in Odisha that facilitate you to select a best Weekly Boarding Schools to cater best education to your child.
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Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal
West Bengal
West Bengal
West Bengal
Himachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
West Bengal
Uttar Pradesh