ICSE Boarding Schools in Tripura
The education sector is booming in Tripura . ICSE boarding schools in Tripura are known for their good administration. The faculty in the ICSE Residential Schools in Tripura are good, professional and well trained.
Education in Tripura
Tripura is a state in Northeast India. The third-smallest state in the country and is bordered by Bangladesh, and the Indian states of Assam and Mizoram. The Bengali Hindu people form the ethno-linguistic majority in Tripura.
Data from 2011 census of India reveals that overall literacy rate in the State was 87.75 %. Tripura schools are run by the state government or by private organisations, including religious institutions. Instruction is mainly in English or Bengali, though Kokborok and other tribal languages are also used.
The residential schools are dedicated to teaching and developing values and moral character in each student along with the classroom education. They try to make children of today tomorrow’s responsible citizen with discipline, integrity, dignity, commitment, hard work and others. The comprehensive education system along with extra curricular activities, recreation, teachings of moral values, ethics, talent nurturing and abilities of students al together make such children perfect.
As parents, we strive hard to give our children the very best. We love them immensely and we want them to have opportunities that we missed in our childhood. With the increasing popularity of the ICSE Boarding Schools in Tripura , concerned parents are looking for good ICSE Residential Schools in Tripura .
Schooling is an important part of a child’s life. A good ICSE Boarding School automatically ensures best quality of education, and overall development of the child.
Boardingedu.in is here to help you to get the list of ICSE Boarding Schools in Tripura .
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