Girls Boarding schools in Darjeeling, West Bengal
Among the spectacular snow covered mountains at an altitude of 2,134 mtrs, Spread in ribbons over a steep mountain ridge, we can encounter the beauty and magic of Darjiling and enjoy the flavour of Darjiling tea. The word ‘Darjiling’ comes from the the Tibetan word “Dorje” meaning the thunderbolt of Indra, the king of Gods and “Ling” meaning a place of land. Thus “Dorje-Ling” means the ‘land of the thunderbolts’. The District Darjiling lies in the northernmost part of the State of West Bengal having the shape of an irregular triangle. The district Darjiling is located at the northernmost part of the State of West Bengal surrounded by Sikkim state to the north, District Jalpaiguri, Bhutan and Bangladesh country to the east, district Uttar Dinajpur and Bihar state to the south and Nepal country to the west.
Boarding schools provide an opportunity for students to learn a number of life skills while having access to quality education. Girls Boarding schools in Darjeeling, West Bengal are of paramount importance for the betterment of the girl child. In today's world, it is very important for girls to be independent and set their own priorities in life. Girls Boarding Schools in Darjeeling, West Bengal provide the kind of nurturing and encouragement a girl needs in order to become all that she can and wants to be.
In Darjeeling, Several parents of girl child, who consider that single-sex education improves the academic performance of students, are preferring Girls Boarding schools for them .There are many eminent, well-established Girls Boarding schools in Darjeeling, West Bengal which lays emphasis on building self-confidence and leadership qualities in their students along with providing better academic and future opportunities. They don't just manage their personal affairs but also learn how to live and deal with other people. It will not only provide her the right education and knowledge but also courage and confidence to take part in various academic and extracurricular activities. Thus, their dreams and aspirations are always believed and encouraged in the Girls Boarding Schools in Darjeeling, West Bengal.
Education in Darjeeling, West Bengal
According to Census 2011, Darjiling had population of 1,846,823 of which male and female were 937,259 and 909,564 respectively. In 2001 census, Darjiling had a population of 1,609,172 of which males were 830,644 and remaining 778,528 were females. The literacy rate in the district is 79.56% (persons), 85.61% (males) and 73.33% (females).
Since an established, single gender culture school for a girl child, is considered the most impactful school as they provide an environment for the child which soothes her and make her perform better in her academic activities.
So, If want to enroll your girl child in a renowned Girls Boarding school in Darjeeling, West Bengal visit Here, you will be provided complete and comprehensive details of the Girls Boarding schools in Darjeeling, West Bengal.
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